Pioneer Technology & Arts Academy of Nevada STEAM-Focused Charter School 6th - 8th



PTAA P-TECH Program Information

What is P-TECH?

P-TECH, or Pathways in Technology Early College High School, is a program where students earn a high school diploma, an industry-recognized associate degree, and gain relevant work experience in a growing field. A school is designated a P-TECH by the Texas Education Agency and includes partnerships with relevant industries.

How does P-TECH work?

P-TECH fosters a partnership among K-12, higher education, and industry, combining resources and expertise to provide students with academic, technical, and workplace experiences. This includes dual credit opportunities, mentoring, internships, and more, starting from 9th grade.

The unique culture of a P-TECH school is built upon high expectations for students and a belief that all students can earn their college degree. Students see themselves as “college students” and are “on a career pathway” from the moment they begin 9th grade. The model integrates high school and college coursework, enabling students to begin college courses as soon as they are ready.

Industry Partners

  • Assignment of an Industry Liaison to communicate with selected campus P-TECH Coordinator
  • Utilize a Skills Map for job skill preparation
  • Engagement through mentoring, site visits, guest speaker series, and internships
  • Collaboration with educational institutions to integrate experiences

Interested in partnering with PTAA? Please complete the form below:

Partnering with PTAA

Institutes of Higher Education

Community colleges and universities work closely with high schools and industry partners to align and strengthen the relationship between school and work.

  • Dallas College Dual Credit - Offers students an opportunity to earn college credit while completing high school course requirements.
  • Paris Junior College - Offers several opportunities for high school students to get a head start on their college education.
  • Texas A&M University Commerce - Explore the benefits, services, and perks offered by TAMUC which are FREE to currently enrolled students.


What is P-TECH/ Early College High School (ECHS)?

The PTAA P-TECH/Early College High Schools are high schools that provide students the opportunity to earn dual credit, which is credit toward a high school diploma and college degree. By the time they complete high school, students in a PTAA P-TECH/ECHS can earn up to 60 or more hours of free college credit, leading to an associate degree.

What is dual credit?

Dual credit programs allow high school students to enroll in college courses for credit while still in high school. College credits earned through dual credit can be applied toward high school and college graduation and can be transferred to other colleges or universities.

Benefits of dual credit:

  • Provides a head start on postsecondary core requirements.
  • Expands the variety of classes available to high school students.
  • Allows access to college facilities/activities.
  • Provides greater opportunities for a coordinated, seamless education.
  • Serves as a “controlled” introduction to college life.
  • Allows for an easier transition to college.
  • Builds students’ confidence and self-esteem.
Who are the PTAA higher education partners?

PTAA higher education partners include: PJC, Dallas College, TAMUC.

Who are PTAA P-Tech Industry Partners?
  • Hardi Global
  • Sharp
  • Microsoft
  • Nasa
Who can attend PTAA P-TECH/ECHS?

The P-TECH/ECHS are designed to serve ninth and tenth grade students who have the determination to attend college and are first-generation college students who have been historically underrepresented in higher education. Interested eighth-grade students, who will be freshmen next year, can apply for the upcoming school year.

How do students apply to attend a P-TECH/ECHS?

Students can apply by completing and submitting the online application for their campus: Fate, Greenville, North Dallas, Mesquite Oates.

If I am a returning P-TECH student, do I reapply?

No. Returning PTAA P-TECH students do not need to reapply, but both students and parents need to sign the annual agreement here: PTECH Annual Agreement

Where will students attend class?

Students will spend 9th and 10th grade on their high school campus taking core courses in a dedicated wing. The students will spend 11th and 12th grade on their higher education partner campus.

What about transportation?

Transportation is provided to the higher education partner campus.

Will students be able to participate in student activities and athletics?


Will I have to pay tuition for college-level classes and textbooks?

No. Tuition is waived for students enrolled and textbooks will be provided to all students free of charge. However, per PTAA’s PTECH agreement, should a student not be successful in a course, the student is financially responsible for all tuition costs, textbooks, and fees until that course is completed with a ‘C’ or better.

What are the benefits of attending P-Tech?
  • Earn an Associate degree tuition-free while in high school.
  • Earn as many as 60 hours of tuition-free college credit.
  • Eliminate thousands of dollars in college tuition costs.
  • Graduate from a four-year university in less time than their peers.
  • Enter the job market with work-ready skills.
  • Develop workplace skills through mentorships and internships with industry partners.
How does attending a P-TECH/ECHS improve a student’s future?

Students will earn college credit for classes successfully completed while in high school. These college credits are transferable to all Texas public colleges and universities and some out-of-state and private colleges.

When will students start taking college-level classes?

Students will begin taking college-level classes as early as their freshman year, then begin taking more classes as they progress through high school.

Do students have to take an exam to enroll in college courses?

Students enrolled in college courses must meet Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements. This can be done by taking the TSI-Assessment (TSI-A) and earning passing scores in reading, writing, and math.

What if my child receives special education services?

It is the policy of PTAA to afford equal opportunity education to all students. Students receiving special education services are given the same consideration in the selection as all other students. The individual needs of the student, as indicated in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP), can be addressed during any audition or performance assessment.