Pioneer Technology & Arts Academy of Nevada STEAM-Focused Charter School 6th - 8th

SchoolStatus Connect

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Joining SchoolStatus for Parents/Guardians

How can I join my child's class?

  • Signing up using the email invitation:
  • Click "Join Now" from the email invitation.

    Fill out the signup form.

    Click "Join Class."

    An email verification will be sent. Please check your email and click "Confirm my Account" to verify your email address.

  • Signing up using the SMS invitation:
  • Click the link from the SMS invitation.

    Fill out the signup form.

    Click "Join Class."

    Enter the "Verification Code" that you will receive via SMS and click "Verify".

  • Signing up using the join code:
  • The teacher may send home a printed flyer with your child that has a code unique for your child’s class. Using the flyer, please follow the instructions to join your child's class.

How Can I Sign Up and Join My Child’s Class if I Don’t Receive the Class Invite?

  • Click here to sign in.
  • On the lower part of the page, click "Check for an existing Invitation".
  • Enter your email address or mobile number, then click "Check Invitation".
  • An email will be sent asking you to click on the "Confirm" button. If it's a mobile number, you'll receive an SMS with the link that you can click on.
  • Fill out the sign-up form and click "Join Class."
  • You’ll receive another email welcoming you to the class. You’re all set!

SchoolStatus Connect Overview

Getting Started with SchoolStatus Connect

Using SchoolStatus Connect

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a code to join SchoolStatus Connect?

You DO NOT need to sign up for SchoolStatus Connect! We've already taken care of that for you. If you are being asked for a join code, you are in the wrong place. Instead, you will automatically begin receiving communications from us via email or text message. If you'd like to view all communications directly in SchoolStatus Connect, plus more - please click the link from the communication(s) you receive, then follow the steps to login and update your profiles and preferences.

Do I have to download the SchoolStatus Connect app in order to receive notifications?

You do not have to download the app in order to receive messages. As a pre-identified user, you will get announcements via email and SMS text preview. However, if you want to be able to have full use of the platform (i.e. messaging the teacher, signing up for volunteering, viewing the classroom calendar, etc), you will want to download the application.

Can I update my child’s information in SchoolStatus Connect?

No. If you wish to update information on your student, you must do so in the FOCUS Parent Portal. Any updated information in FOCUS will be synced to SchoolStatus each night.

If a parent who has an updated phone number in FOCUS but is still not receiving the notification texts. What should they do?

Have the parent to open their FOCUS Parent portal.
Find the child you wish to view/work with.
Click on CHILD INFO.
Click on the blue hyperlinked parent that needs to be updated.
On the row with “CELL PHONE” check the option that is labeled “NOTIFICATION TEXT.”
Then click SAVE.
Each parent of a child has their own parent account, so each parent will have to update their own info. For example, I’ve updated mine, but my husband will have to log in and update his own.

Will parents/guardians still get daily attendance calls?

YES. This will occur much like the old platform, using the attendance data from FOCUS that has been entered each day from the school site.